Fresh off of the launch of our new website,, we’re rolling out our company blog. We hope this offers a platform for quick communication with our customers.
We plan to use this blog to broadcast company news, to provide insight into how Coffee Distributing Corp. does business, and to share and comment on news relevant to the coffee industry, particularly in our home territory of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.
If you haven’t done so already, we urge you to explore our main website, packed with more information than ever. Particular pages of interest:
- Equipment pages featuring photos, specs, and PDF downloads (example: Flavia C400)
- Pages explaining Bottled Water Coolers, In-Line Water Coolers, and Vending Machines
- A Green page with information on our environmentally-friendly products and services
- Contact Information include phone extensions, fax, email, and Google maps
- A Sitemap page with links to download every product and equipment PDF on our website
- New forms to Open An Account or Place A Service Call