While we are very excited about Mars’ Drinks decision to introduce Alterra coffee and Bright Tea in packets for their Flavia brewers, there is one downside. Almost every Flavia coffee and tea packet has a new replacement, but Flavia English Breakfast Decaf has been discontinued entirely.
There are no “decaf” options in the Bright Tea Company’s lineup. However, the three Bright Tea herbals (Peppermint, Raspberry, and Lemon) are naturally caffeine-free, so they are one option.

Bright Tea Herbals: Naturally Caffeine Free
Another option for decaf tea drinkers is to switch to tea bags. Your Flavia brewer can be used to dispense hot water, and Coffee Distributing Corp. carries a number of different tea bag products.

Tetley and Bigelow Decaf Tea Bags
Our recommendations for decaf tea drinkers are: Tetley (TEA1) and Bigelow (BIGETD).