Hand-in-hand with your Flavia single-cup coffee brewer, space-permitting, comes the product merchandiser. The merchandiser is an efficient way to house a variety of drink options. Fill the labelled drawers with filterpacks to store a large quantity of drinks in an attractive and convenient home.
![Flavia C400 Coffee Brewer With Merchandiser](https://cdccoffee.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/flavia-c400-brewer-with-merchandiser-1.png)
Flavia C400 Coffee Brewer With Merchandiser
The standard merchandiser consists of six columns, three drawers high. However, columns can easily be added (to accommodate more drinks) or removed (to save space). Larger offices with a C400 brewer typically take a six-column, 18-count merchandiser. Smaller offices with a C200 brewer often only have space for a 4-column, 12-count merchandiser.
![Flavia Merchandiser 6 Columns 18 Drawers 28 Drinks](https://cdccoffee.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/flavia-coffee-tea-merchandiser.jpg)
Flavia Merchandiser 6 Columns 18 Drawers 28 Drinks
Each drawer holds up to 40 coffee packets (2 rails) or 80 tea packets (4 rails). Due to this high-capacity, many customers choose to “split” drawers between two drinks, so they can offer more variety in less space. Since the tea packets are smaller, we strongly recommend splitting each tea drawer. Mars Drinks currently offers 17 Alterra coffees, 10 Bright Teas, plus Dove Hot Chocolate, Cappuccino Swirl, and Milky Way Swirl. With split drawers, it is easy to carry the full line of 30 options, even if your merchandiser only has 18 drawers.
![Flavia Merchandiser Drawers Coffee Tea](https://cdccoffee.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/flavia-merchandiser-drawers-coffee-tea-1.png)
Flavia Merchandiser Drawers Coffee Tea
The standard, six-column merchandiser measures 22 inches wide, 16.25 inches tall, and 16 inches deep (plus the door handles, which stick out an additional 1.25 inches).
If you already have a merchandiser and are interested in changing your labels or switching to split drawers, please give our customer service department a call.
Interested in learning more about Alterra Coffee or Bright Tea? How about a free trial?