We’d like to officially introduce Alterra French Roast Decaf for the Flavia single-cup brew system!
We have sold out of the old Flavia French Roast Decaf, which has been discontinued by the manufacturer. Alterra French Roast Decaf (Buy Now: code ALTFRD) is the direct replacement.
French Roast Decaf is one of Alterra’s two decaf coffees available in Flavia packets. The other option is Alterra House Blend Decaf (Buy Now: code ALTHBD), a lighter roast.

Alterra Decaf Coffees House Blend and French Roast
Follow these links for more information on all of the new Alterra coffees, and to learn more about how to get Flavia single-cup machines into your office!
Check out our remaining Flavia inventory and estimated dates when the remaining product lines will be sold out completely.