Lavit Sparkling POU

Lavit Sparkling POU

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*We recommend regular filter changes for all our plumbed-in coffee and water equipment. Ask your CDC representative for more information about this service.

Lavit Sparkling POU

Lavít is revolutionizing single-serve cold beverages with our recyclable capsule designed to work in Lavít beverage dispensers. Replacing your water cooler with Lavit lets your employees choose plain still water, plain sparkling water, or flavored still or sparkling beverages. Beverages come in 33 different flavors, including many from leading beverage brands. All are free of preservatives, and are naturally low in sugar and calories.

Every cooler we install is equipped with Water Block and Flood Buzz devices.

Ready to Place an Order?

Our customer service staff is ready to process your order by phone, fax, email, or online. Next day service and delivery are available throughout most of our territory. Please contact our sales team to find out how we can accommodate your refreshment needs.

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